You can rest assured that you have a highly qualified service tech on the job. Russ has over 22 years of experience working on all types of fireplaces and stoves. He has National Fireplace Institute and Compliance Depot certifications as well as licensing.
Example of replacement flue cap and chaise top from hail damage.
Example of Gas Logs. This was a wood burning fireplace. Customers were tired of the mess, so we ran a gas line to the fireplace and we were able to install the gas logs. Russ painted the back of the fireplace black to enhance the flame and burning embers.
This electric fireplace was installed by Russ to replace a wood burner unit. A custom shroud was made by Fireplace Pros to accommodate a larger hole. We only had to run electricity to the fireplace to make this happen.
Fireplace Maintenance and Cleaning: Before & After
A perfect example of before and after of cleaning and maintenance of gas fireplace.
Wood Cooking Stove:
Russ loves a challenge. A dome house in the mountains. Challenge cutting a hole 9” through to the interior and at an angle and being spot on with the placement of the stove.
Wood burning stove
Sample of wood burning fireplace converted to gas, using a full fireplace insert. Gas line and electrical need for this conversion.
Gas Stove Example